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Subscriptions reimagined

One payment for a lifetime of Access


Staking for subscriptions

Users subscribe to a product or service by staking ACS in given creator’s content pool.

Get rewarded for consuming

Subscribers and creators get rewarded proportionally to the amount of ACS staked in a content pool. Visit hub.accessprotocol.co to claim your rewards daily!

Reward split
Subscription NFTs

Receive an NFT representing your subscription

After subscribing, you’ll receive an NFT that details your subscription, including information on who you subscribed to, how much ACS is within the subscription, and the last date in which rewards were claimed from the subscription

Flexible subscription durations

Access offers flexible subscription terms, enabling you to unsubscribe at any time you wish, enabling you to withdraw the funds associated with your subscription*.

*not applicable to forever subscriptions

Flexible subscription durations
Actions and Blinks

Pay for subscriptions with SOL via Actions & Blinks

Subscribe to participating creators with one click paying in SOL, enabled by Solana Actions & Blinks.

Access to a growing ecosystem of creators and service providers

With over 170+ creators using Access there are endless opportunities and flexibility for your content preferences.

Access ecosystem
Access incentivizes users to support their favorite creators while gaining the ability to consume more content over time.